We spent the week of (and including) the fourth with my family at Lake Chelan. We had a great time, although we seem to be making a yearly tradition of getting our biggest head-bonk of the year there.
The first thing we did was go white-water rafting, but we used a traditional, disposable camera, so the pictures require some processing time.
Cute Curie at the lake:

We chose the coldest day of the trip to go to the lake park. Better planning next time, I guess.

But the cool weather has never slowed down my kids at the beach.


Nick, looking good:

And Rigby, looking real good:

We took a little family hike (OK, it was really driving followed by meandering) at the top of a huge butte beside the lake.

The pictures really do not do justice to the height. All the mothers were clutching their children for dear life.

When we were done here, we watched hang-gliders launch from this very spot.

This is all of us! Well, almost. Dad took the picture, and Mom and Alyse kept Alyse's two youngest on stroller-approved roads.

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