Monday, August 2, 2010

Exploring our Island

We've had a few really hot days recently. I know mid-90 degrees is not that hot to my readers in Arizona, but you have to understand that most houses around here do not have AC. Our only relief is to go out. Either to a store or, even better, to the beach.
This is a local spot that was recommended to us. It was cozy and rocky, but you can't really find sand in many places in the sound. And you can't play skip-sand.
Many of you know that we are considering a long-distance move in the near future. Maybe a land-locked move. As I sat on this beach and took in my lovely views, I saw a bald eagle in the sky. This is not a completely uncommon occurrence here, but still a majestic surprise. I will miss all this so much if we go. I am doubting my ability to stay away.
Despite the sun setting, the heat was still burning.
I know, I know. Cheeseburgers. I'm working on it.
I didn't alter this picture at all. And my camera is an antique. Look at that sky!
The end.


Anonymous said...

I L.O.V.E. all of your posts today! It just makes me miss you and your little ones. Honestly, if the opportunity ever presented itself I would totally pack up the kiddos and visit. You guys have too much fun :)

Elke said...

I wish you would!

Our Ohana said...

What fun posts to read after being alienated from the internet for so long! I have to agree, your kids are absolutely beautiful, and must be so much fun to take pictures of! Little Curie has the most angelic little face!
So where are you thinking of moving to??? I haven't gotten to visit you up there yet! I guess you'd still be making visits up there though, right? Sounds like you'd have to - it's gorgeous!

mindy said...

great posts about the staycation. looks like you all had a great time!