Sunday, December 5, 2010

Back to Business

Camille is back!  Yes, my iMac is named Camille.  Ten points to the reader who can tell me why.

(Sara, darling.  No, it is not the same iMac from college days.  I bought that thing in '98!  That would be miraculous!  This is machine numero three.)

I've got to clean and pack a bit tonight, but be expecting posts.  I won't be able to stay away from my blog for more than 36 hours now that I'm plugged in again.


Elise said...

Yay! Glad to hear it.

JM Inc. said...


Anonymous said...

YAY! Welcome back! :)

JM Inc. said...

Well??? Do I win the prize or what?

JM Inc. said...

P.S. you run your blog a little like the People's Republic of China. You have to "approve" comments before posting(:

Elke said...

No, Mandy. Your idea was insightful to say the least, but she was not the inspiration for the name.

And the difference between myself and a communist dictator is ... well, there are many ... but the key difference here is that I actually own the content of this blog. By virtue of its creation.

JM Inc. said...

Do you own the content in the same way that the NY Times owns its content including the editorial section and online content where readers can post their viewpoints/responses? Are you afraid your racy friends like me just might cut loose or what?(: Anyway, I'm shocked that my answer was wrong and now I want to know what the right answer is now that no one else has offered it up(:

Elke said...

I own my content like the NY Times, but I take a little more accountability for the content than they do. Just because something is true does not mean it gets published here. For example, the commentator that complimented me on my blog and then suggested that I buy viagra from him gets the boot. It may be quite true that he sells viagra, but I'm not interested in advertising for him.

I think that the NY Times has an editorial moderator. And I don't think that moderator would allow free adverts on that page.

Mandy, if I could exempt you from the viagra search, I would. Your racy comments are why I keep a blog.

iMac backwards is caMi. Cami is short for Camille.