Friday, November 7, 2008

Do Angels Dust?

Recently Bethelle was at her grandparents' house during a serious dusting.  She helped with the trim around the stairs and whatever else she could reach.  This morning at breakfast, she was telling me about it and said, "but there were no angels, so Pabby (Grandpa) had to do the high part."


Unknown said...

YOU are the sweetest little angel ever. I have to tell a story here about this sweet little angel. She was a bit shy around her great-grandma Anderson, when she and her family would go visit. Two and a half days before her great-grandma passed away to be with the angels, sweet Bethelle went over to her and gave her a kiss and talked to her. She did it on her own. Bethelle may not understand until she is older how much that meant to her great-grandma.
We and all the angels love you, Bethelle,
Love, Grandma Jackson

Suzie said...

I guess in Bethelle's world they do dust. How cute is she!