Saturday, July 11, 2009

Vacation at Lake Chelan

The family spent all of last week at Lake Chelan. By "the family" I mean Nick and the kids, my brothers (except Blair, who moved from NY to NC that week), their wives, and the cousins. In all I think we had 15 people. We had a great townhome in Manson with a fabulous location for walking to everything and had such a great time.

Here's the happy couple who made the whole thing possible.

Nick and the kids in the pool at the townhome. Bethelle kept almost exclusively to the steps, but Rigby learned to L.O.V.E. swimming with Daddy. He jumped in to him about a thousand times and had no problem with going under.

This is Bethelle bowling. I have decided that Bethelle and vacation don't mix. I need to pack a good first-aid kit and know where the nearest hospital is whenever I take her places. Her first airplane trip was to Arizona, where she broke her arm and chipped her teeth. I won't even bother to post here her many injuries in Texas last May; that will require its own post. In Chelan, she went bowling with some cousins and her grandparents. Attempting to carry her ball over a small ledge to the bowling lane, she tripped and landed with her forehead smacking right onto her ball. My mom called and Nick went to go get her. Meanwhile, she finished up her game, so you'd think she was fine. When he brought her back to the house, I could not believe her forehead! Right in the center was the largest goose-egg I had ever seen. Now I know why they are called goose-eggs. It stuck out of her head a good inch and was so round and huge. She really did seem OK, but we watched her pretty closely for a while. It is now a week later and that blood has drained down her face, leaving a small bruise on her forehead and two black eyes. I've been trying to remember to get a good picture. Maybe I'll post again later.
We found a fun petting farm with goats, chickens, horses, lamas, rabbits, and probably more. I opted to sit out the last bit of the tour, due to my large belly. Just six more weeks!
More petting zoo.
In my family, we have coordinated the sexes of our children. First, we had a string of three girl cousins, then four boys. This is Rigby with the next two younger boys. They all weigh within two pounds of each other, and Rigby is not the largest. They're about the same height too, and Rigby wears the smallest diapers of the bunch. Here''s the kicker: Rigby is seven months older than Nolan and 14 months older than Gabriel. He's my tiny guy. Keep eating, Rigby!

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