Sunday, November 4, 2012

Something for Everybody

In early October, we had a busy Saturday that deserves mention here.  It started off with having Nick's brother at our house.  He was going to be in the area and asked to spend the night.  He would arrive late, so as we put the kids to bed we told them that someone would be here in the morning; someone who they probably wouldn't see for a while because he likes to sleep in the morning.  The kids all yelled out, "KYLE!"

It was a fun day to have him with us.  We started out with Star Wars day at the library.
By the way, you should have seen our kids when we told them that Stars Wars 7, 8, and 9 will be made.  The noise level was violent.  Here's hoping they will be PG.

Bethelle and I then went to her girl scout activity (with Pierce, of course).  Each year, they decorate a particular round-about with themed scarecrows.  Our troop chose to make a flower fairy...
 ... and a vampiress.
 Here they are with their handiwork!
Rigby, Nick, Kyle, and Curie went from Star Wars day to Rigby's soccer game.  I've got an entire post dedicated to his soccer season coming up.  I know you are just on the edge of your seat waiting for it.

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