Saturday, February 19, 2011

I'd Like to Thank the Academy

Proceeding with our San Francisco bucket list, Wednesday took my little clan to the Academy of Sciences at Golden Gate Park.  The whole place was impressive.  We started with the aquarium.  The kids watched through a glass wall while a diver swam with the fish, fed them, and answered live questions.  There was also a touch-friendly tank where we got to pet anemones and star fish (which feel more firm than they look).
We then walked through the Africa section which was mostly Safari-meets-tacadermy but ended with this live section.
How many of you are thinking of Happy Feet after looking at that?  I think Bethelle wants to bring one home with her.
Within the museum is an enclosed rainforest that makes you forget about the rain and cold outside.  Can you see the butterfly on the bush below?  He just sat there and let us gawk.  The whole three story rainforest was full of them.  And snakes (enclosed).  And frogs (enclosed).  And pretty little birdies.
Loved the albino Alligator...
... and the fake snow.

And I especially loved that the blow-up igloo behind the kids is a mini planetarium with an aurora borealis show.

Thanks to the other moms from church who invited me even though I have three times as many kids as they do.

1 comment:

Our Ohana said...

I love Bethelle's pose by the dinosaur! What a cutie!